Edomias International Plc Vacancy 2022

Edomias International Plc Vacancy 2022


EDOMIAS INTERNATIONAL PLC, laid out in 2005, is the head Human Resource arrangement supplier in Ethiopia. EDOMIAS INTERNATIONAL PLC gives enrollment and reevaluating administrations.

EDOMIAS INTERNATIONAL PLC assumes a crucial part in diminishing the administration work which would somehow be spent in the standard exercises of noncore capacities. Also, it assumes a significant part by assuming control over pieces of the venture/administration from various associations, to make them focus on different regions to be useful. It additionally gives warning administrations in issues connected with Human Resource Management and Labor Relations.

With its enrollment administrations, EDOMIAS INTERNATIONAL PLC incredibly helps Human Resource chiefs of different organizations to zero in on their essential issues as opposed to on the tedious routine undertakings of the enlistment cycle. EDOMIAS INTERNATIONAL PLC promotes employment opportunities on chosen media for the benefit of the client; and utilizations headhunting, its thorough information base, and its site (www.jobsinethiopia.net) to enroll best up-and-comers.

As to exercises (Manpower the board administration), EDOMIAS INTERNATIONAL PLC centers around four center regions:


  1. Gonder:- 0960334762
  2. Semera:- 0910747063
  3. Adama:-0913435607
  4. Dire Dawa:- 0964798899
  5. Kombolcha:- 0913302642



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Ethiolancer ® is an Online Platform for Employers to Hire Professionals to get their work done.

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