
Adama Science and Technology University

  • Oromia
  • Member since October 13, 2022
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My Personal Experience: 

I have started my career as a web developer probably as most: building websites. Previously I was working as a  web designer. Then I found myself interested to enter in the web world. Especially being full stack web developer.

I started Converting what I knew of and designing them to HTML and CSS was not easy at all. It was very challenging at that time and till now I feel it is a challenging thing as well. But I also believe that the constant number of challenges that exist in this profession makes me better every day.

Being a developer is not a passive work. You have to actively look for solutions, make your brain work in full power. And I think that I would not find a much better profession than this one for me.

The Hard part I feel about this profession as per my experience till now is: 

The hard part I feel about my profession is keeping myself updated in front of upcoming new technologies and learning them as per the requirements of my clients. I must accept the fact that I can’t keep up with the fast evolution of the Web dev. world. So, I need to use my time to learn more about fundamentals than worry about new technologies.

Things one might find interesting or feel “happy” about web dev. are: 

I think the reason for your job is getting tedious is because you are doing things repeatedly. Well, if you face that in web development I have good news: you can automate almost every kind of job that repeats all the time. This is great because you will be always working on new ways and methods to work. That kind of challenges constantly keeps me motivated.


Pros I feel about web dev. are :

In my opinion, there are many good things about this profession. One of them is that it is challenging. I know, I already have told that before, but it is a big true. That is good to your mind’s health. Another one is the fact of the IT market is expanding at the light speed. You will hardly be without a job, and if does, you can work on your own project and make money. This is one the most awesome advantages of being a web developer, you can easily work for yourself and the best: at home.


Cons you feel about this profession are :

Yes, like every other profession, there are also bad things about this profession. I can mention some of them, like work at home. Maybe you are wondering: “What? You said that it is a good thing”. Yes, it’s. But without the necessary discipline, you can easily procrastinate. This requires a strong mind. Another bad thing is market pressure. You always need to have many skills, including more than one programming language, experience on framework x, y and z. This causes anxiety. So, be careful and keep calm.



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